Christina and her core team of lawyers join Zepos & Yannopoulos from another leading Athens-based law firm, where she spent the last 9 years as a banking & finance partner. Christina has considerable experience in capital markets, structured finance, sovereign and private debt restructuring and banking regulation with a steady emphasis on cross border financial transactions. She and her team have worked with all major international law firms, investment banks and major investors, as well as with all domestic systemic banks and regulators.
Christina is recognized in legal directories as “a prominent market figure, noted for her capital markets, securitisation and debt finance strengths” and as "very confident, with a deep knowledge of the law". She is recognized as leading lawyer by IFLR1000 and as band 1 by Chambers Global and Chambers Europe.
Christina’s appointment is in line with the firm’s strategy to grow its international financial transactions practice and to focus more vigorously on domestic and international financial institutions.
Dimitris Zepos, managing partner, said: “Christina and her team are a great addition to the firm. Her outstanding reputation and expertise complement the international nature of our practice and will enable us to meet the strong demand for our services from key financial clients. We are delighted to welcome them to Zeya.”
Christina’s contact details at Zeya are:
Christina Papanikolopoulou
Zepos & Yannopoulos
280 Kifissias Ave.
152 32 Halandri
Athens, Greece
Direct: +30 210 6967101 | Mobile : +30 6970 444003
Switchboard: +30 210 6967000