Zepos & Yannopoulos Finance & Capital Markets practice participates in public consultation for the draft law “Corporate governance of sociétés anonymes, modern capital market and implementation of EU Directive 2017/828 (SRD II)”

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Our firm’s Finance & Capital Markets practice group productively participated in the open public consultation launched by the Greek Ministry of Finance for the draft law on “Corporate governance of societies anonymes, modern capital market and implementation of EU Parliament and Council Directive 2017/828”.

The long awaited draft law is one of the most important pieces of capital markets legislation which, amongst others, reforms the existing corporate governance framework for listed companies, implements the provisions of the Shareholder Rights Directive (SRD) II, introduces provisions on Greek alternative investment funds (AIFs) as well as implementing measures of the Prospectus Regulation.

In particular, Elena Papachristou, partner and Alexis Kontogiannis, associate expressed their views on the provisions of the draft law and mainly on issues related to the restrictions on investments, transferability and distribution of AIFs, the conditions for the exemption of crowdfunding platforms from the public offer requirements and the transparency requirements of proxy advisors.

All the comments of our firm were published in the site of the Ministry of Finance together with only 202 out of 26,296 comments submitted in total to the public consultation.