Cadastre preliminary posting

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Sonia Melegou

Sonia Melegou




Mary Georgiou

Mary Georgiou




Τhe preliminary posting of the cadastral database for the Municipality of Athens will take place from 22 April 2019 until 24 June 2019. The purpose of the preliminary posting is to give the right holders the opportunity to verify the accuracy of the information recorded following the cadastre survey before the first posting takes place.

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The preliminary posting aims to inform the right holders (private individuals and legal entities) about the outcome of the processing of the data submitted from 2008 until today.

What is the preliminary posting?

Through the preliminary posting, the right holders will be able to view the relevant to their property rights registration, through the application "e-Services - e-KTIMATOLOGIO” of the Greek Cadastre at , using their “TAXISNET” personal codes and thus be able to apply for the correction of any possible errors.

What is the deadline?

The preliminary posting regarding the Municipality of Athens is scheduled to begin on 22 April 2019 and it will last for two months, i.e. until 24 June 2019.

What if I agree with the data of the preliminary posting?

If the right holder agrees with the data of the preliminary posting, no further action is required.

What if I disagree with the data of the preliminary posting?

If the right holder disagrees with any of the data of the preliminary posting and finds errors or omissions, or in case amendments have taken place in the meanwhile, she/he has the right to submit a "data reconsideration application” within the abovementioned deadline by sending an email to Alternatively, the right holder can physically file the application at the Central Cadastral Survey Office of Athens, which will operate at the Olympic Property of Galatsi, 137 Veikou Ave., 11146 Galatsi. Any new data evidencing the changes that need to be made should also be attached to the application.

Why I do not find my declared property rights at the electronic preliminary posting?

For properties which have been declared but have not been included in the preliminary posting, the relevant property rights have either not been identified; or the application which has been filed was inaccurate / insufficient; or the right holder has not paid the required fixed fee. In this case, the right holder should visit the cadastral survey office to receive instructions for further actions.

The cadastral database of the preliminary posting includes property rights declared until 18 January 2019. From this date onwards, the new declarations will continue to be processed and their results will be included in the first posting.