Simplification of procedures before the Labour Inspectorate (SEPE)

Contact Person

Rania Papakonstantinou

Rania Papakonstantinou




Ministerial Decision 34331/Δ9.8920 of the Minister of Employment, published on 10 August 2016, launched a new electronic platform of the Labour Inspectorate (SEPE) at The new platform, which became operative in the past few days, aims at the simplification of procedures and the facilitiation of the interface between the authorities and third parties.

Access to the platform

The new platform can be accessed by employers, employees, their respective associations (including unions) and third parties.

All employers must register as users at no later than 30 September 2016 and acquire a personal access code. Other users who wish to have access to the platform may register at any time.

Types of available services

The main services which are available through the platform are the following:

  • application and approval of work on Sundays and public holidays
  • issuance of certificate on the number of employed staff
  • labour disputes
  • reconciliation processes
  • notification of labour accidents and occupational diseases
  • provision of information on the application of labour law provisions
  • application for access to documents
  • notification of serious cause for the termination of protected employees 
  • notifications in relation to safety technicians and work doctors
  • notifications regarding the execution of technical works
  • provision of written explanations by employers
  • filing appeals against the imposition of fines by SEPE

Filing complaints for violations of labour law provisions

Complaints regarding violations of labour law provisions may be filed by registered users or anonymously by any party, through the submission of an electronic form.

Complaints which are not filed through the platform may be filed by any other means, such as in hardcopy, by fax, email or regular mail.

Notification of fines

Imposed fines or other administrative penalties will be posted to the personal accounts of registered users and sent to the users’ email address.

In the case of non-registered users, the notification may take place by any other available means.