
Recent Changes in Tax Legislation Introduced by Law 433...

An article co-authored by Dimitris Gialouris published in Bloomberg BNA. ...

Τhe case of the Internet disclosure of names of debtors...

An essay by Dimitris Karoutis published in the third (3) section of the Greek legal journal: To Syntagma (ToS) on 2...

Comment on court decision (PP Athens 289/2015) regardin...

Article by Stergios Frastanlis published in the third (3) section of the Greek legal journal: Epitheorisi Emporikou...

Publication on TRACE Blog...

Takis Kakouris and Artemisia Papadaki featured the weekly entry on Trace Blog on Compliance matters. For further...

Bank Resolution and Recovery - Directive BRRD & Recapit...

An article by Nicholas Kontizas published in Greek on ...

Prepublication in “Business Company Law” 2015, p. 608 f...

Article in Greek by Dr George Siganidis regarding obligations of the management of a societe anonyme before and aft...

A view on Law 4307/2014: new opportunities for overburd...

An article by Emmanuel Mastromanolis and Stergios Frastanlis published in the financial section of Greek newspaper ...

Global Tax Guide, Greek Chapter, BNAI...

Global Tax Guide, Greek Chapter, BNAI by Marina Allamani and Evgenia Goti. ...

Import VAT deferral scheme and application of reverse-c...

"Import VAT deferral scheme and application of reverse-charge mechanism", Bloomberg BNA’s Tax Planning Internationa...

M&A Greece, Country analysis, International Bureau of F...

M&A Greece, Country analysis, International Bureau Of Fiscal Documentation by Daphne Cozonis, Evgenia Goti, Ilias K...