
  • 24 APRIL 2020

COVID-19 Alert | 24.04.2020...

Our multidisciplinary coverage on key areas affecting your business. 1. General 1. Air Borders [13.04.2020] ...

Measures to support Greek tourism...

By virtue of Legislative Act dated 13 April 2020 new measures were adopted to address the issue of refund by touris...

  • 13 APRIL 2020

COVID-19 Update on Legal & Tax Implications...

A number of additional measures have been introduced by the Greek government during the past week in relation to th...

  • 13 APRIL 2020

COVID-19 Alert | 13.04.2020...

Our multidisciplinary coverage on key areas affecting your business. 1. General 1. Air Borders [19.03.2020] ...

Extension of support measures and relevant notification...

By virtue of Ministerial Decision 14556/448 and Circular 14676/253, issued on 07 April 2020, the duration of specif...

Declaration of telework to ERGANI and further guideline...

Recent ministerial decision 13564/Δ1.4770, published on 03 April 2020, provided details on the implementation of th...

Sector inquiry by the Hellenic Competition Commission i...

  Procedure The Hellenic Competition Commission (“HCC”) decided on 11.03.2020 to initiate a sector inquiry in...

  • 1 APRIL 2020

COVID-19 | Measures in the Energy Sector...

By virtue of a Legislative Act issued on 30 March 2020, the Greek Government has adopted a set of urgent measures i...

  • 1 APRIL 2020

COVID-19 Update on Legal & Tax Implications...

A number of additional measures have been introduced by the Greek government during the past week in relation to th...

  • 1 APRIL 2020

COVID-19 Alert | 01.04.2020...

Our multidisciplinary coverage on key areas affecting your business. 1. General 1. Air Borders [19.03.2020] ...

New guidelines regarding support measures for Greek bus...

By virtue of the recent ministerial decision issued on 28 March 2020, the Greek Ministers of Labour and Finance pro...

Emergency measures in the Healthcare and Life Sciences ...

In response to the growing complexity and unpredictability of the Covid-19 pandemic worldwide, the Greek Government...