
Recent tax changes impacting real estate reporting form...

A number of tax changes have recently been introduced in connection with real estate reporting formalities, the Uni...

New provisions for the consumers’ protection and the op...

New Law 5019/2023 (GG A’ 27/14-02-2023) for the Transposition of Directive (EU) 2020/1828 “on representative action...

Suspension of access of the public to the Central UBO R...

The suspension of the right of access of the public to the UBO information in the Central UBO Register, as a reacti...

Rules for the use of IoT technology devices enter into ...

Rules for the use of Internet of Things (IoT) technology devices will enter into force on 1st March 2023. Law 49...

Hellenic Supreme Administrative Court applies Achmea to...

I. In its recent decision no. 246/2022, the Hellenic Supreme Administrative Court (“HCS”) applied CJEU’s rea...

  • 30 JANUARY 2023

Greece enacts changes in the recently established Grid ...

Just a few months after the initial grid priorities regime was introduced on the basis of the provisions of Law 495...

Monthly declaration of employee leaves to ERGANI...

In the context of the digital organisation of working time, the Ministry of Labour has recently announced the activ...

Recent developments in the healthcare sector...

Significant changes in the public and private healthcare sector are introduced, leading to amendments in the employ...

New rules in force for the use of Artificial Intelligen...

Rules for the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) by private companies for HR management, as well as for commercial...

Application of 3% threshold in commercial rent readjust...

Pursuant to Art. 96 of recently enacted Law 5007/2022 (Greek Government Gazette Bulletin 241/A’/23.12.2022), the th...

Bank of Greece Act on the requirements for limited netw...

On 19 December 2022 the Bank of Greece (BoG) published act 214/2/12.12.2022 (BoG Act) endorsing EBA guidelines 2022...

Recent real estate tax developments...

On 6 December 2022, the new tax bill was ratified by the Greek Parliament. The new law incorporates, among others, ...