
Recent Tax Developments...

  Reduced tax penalties for late tax returns for the years up to 2013 Click here for the GR version – Πατήστε...

Update on Short-Term leases...

Decision 1187/23.11.2017 of the Governor of Independent Public Revenue Authority sets guidelines for the implementa...

Definition of tax evasion: Long anticipated ministerial...

  On 20 December 2017, the Independent Public Revenue Authority released official guidance (Ministerial Decision...

Transfer Pricing: Circular POL 1184/2017 on Country-by-...

Pursuant to the transposition of Council Directive (EU) 2016/881 introducing the automatic exchange of Country-by-C...

Statute of Limitations (SOLs) & VD Program | Recent Dev...

Statute of Limitations (SOLs) & VD Program_Recent Developments Click here for the GR version – Πατήστε εδώ για τ...

How will national DPAs impose fines for GDPR violations...

The GDPR introduced an antitrust-type sanction regime with fines which, for severe infringements, may amount up to ...

ECJ rules on bad debts’ VAT refund │ Significant impact...

Under Greek VAT Law, as currently in force, it is not possible under any circumstances for an enterprise to receive...

Statute of Limitations for tax assessments - New guidel...

Background: Supreme Court Decision No. 1738/2017 In June 2017 the Supreme Administrative Court issued decision N...

New EOF Circular on Scientific Events...

The National Medicines Organisation (“EOF”) has issued a new Circular no. 69869/02.08.2017 (the “New Circular”) set...

Recent legislative developments in Greek employment law...

This newsletter sets forth the main employment law changes introduced by Law 4488/2017, published in the Governemen...

Update of the Market Regulation Code...

On 30 August 2017, the Market Regulation Code titled “Rules of Distribution and Trading Products and Provision of S...

The Greek Data Protection Authority issues an announcem...

As we get closer to 25 May 2018, the date when the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) will enter into forc...