
Recent tax developments in Greece...

Two laws have been ratified within December 2018, introducing, among others, changes in tax provisions, including t...

New cybersecurity law imposes security and reporting ob...

The Greek Parliament recently enacted Law 4577/2018, the purpose of which is to transpose Directive (EU) 2016/1148 ...

The Transposition of the Trade Secrets Directive in Gre...

Current status in Greece Greece remains among the countries that have not transposed Directive (EU) 943/2016 on ...

First decisions of the Copyright Committee (EDPPI) in G...

The newly established Committee for the Notification of Copyright and Related Rights Infringement on the Internet (...

Relaxation of Capital Controls in Greece...

Relaxation of Capital Controls in Greece Click here for the GR version – Πατήστε εδώ για το ελληνικό κείμενο ...

2018 Greek Property Tax (ENFIA)_Deadlines to have in mi...

This Newsletter gives an insight on the 2018 annual Greek Property Tax, ENFIA, and the deadlines to be complied wit...

Central Ultimate Beneficial Owner Register / Anti-Money...

Greece adopts the long expected law implementing the 4th AML Directive. All Greek legal entities will have to di...

Changes introduced by recent Law 4554/2018...

Greek Law 4554/2018, published in the Government Gazette on 18 July 2018, introduces measures aiming at enhancing t...

Amendments to the Greek Bankruptcy Code and to the Out-...

Newly issued Greek Law 4549/2018 "Provisions for the Completion of the Agreement on Financial Targets and Structura...

Activation of recently introduced notification obligati...

Greek Ministerial Decision 32143/Δ1.11288/11-06-2018, published in the Government Gazette on 22 June 2018 (the “Min...

Reform of legal framework of Sociétés Anonymes-Law 4548...

Greek Parliament enacted Law 4548/2018 amending the law on Sociétés Anonymes (SAs) (Law 4548/2018, Greek Government...

Greek Law 4549/2018_Key tax provisions...

The Greek Parliament ratified Law 4549/2018 on 14 June 2018. The new law introduces, among others, a number of tax ...