
Country by Country Reporting: Greece transposes EU Dire...

Pursuant to Law 4484/2017, Greece transposed Council Directive (EU) 2016/881 introducing the automatic exchange of ...

Tax treatment of Trusts and Foundations...

On 26 July 2017 the Independent Authority for Public Revenues issued Circular POL. 1114/2017 that provides guidelin...

The Administrative Court of Appeals affirms the HCC’s d...

Introduction – Overview Following the issuance of a Decision by the Hellenic Competition Commission (hereinafter...

Statute of Limitations for tax assessments - Landmark d...

A few days ago the Supreme Administrative Court issued decision no. 1738/2017, ruling that, under certain circumsta...

New Extrajudicial Debt Settlement Law: Addressing a reg...

An attempt to address the legislative gap in the existing regulatory framework of debt settlements is made by the H...

Is your company GDPR-ready?...

With less than one year until the entry into force of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), organisations ...

Greece signed MLI to adopt minimum standard provisions ...

Greece was among the sixty-eight adopters of the Multilateral Instrument (MLI)[1], who participated in the signing ...

New regime for short-term leases...

Law 4472/2017, published in the Government Gazette on 19 of May, introduces provisions aiming at the regulation of ...

Recent tax developments in Greece...

Greece signed the OECD Multilateral Convention (MLI) on 7 June 2017 On 7 June 2017, 68 countries and jurisdictio...

Recent tax developments in Greece...

On 6 June, 2017, the Greek Parliament ratified a new law that adopts the EU Directive on Mandatory Automatic Exchan...

Four month extension of the Greek Voluntary Disclosure ...

On 31 May 2017 the Government submitted to Parliament a last minute legislative amendment proposing the extension o...

Recent legislative developments in Greek employment law...

This newsletter sets forth the employment law changes introduced by Law 4472/2017 and Ministerial Decision 22528/43...