Zepos & Yannopoulos contributes to the 2018 Global Guide to M&A Tax published by Taxand

Contact Person

Marina Allamani

Marina Allamani




Taxand, the world’s largest independent tax organisation with more than 400 tax partners and over 2,000 tax advisors in over 40 countries, issues Taxand annual Global Guide to M&A Tax. The guide includes 33 countries to provide at-a-glance insight into the tax treatment of global mergers and acquisitions. The 2018 edition covers aspects of recent tax developments impacting M&As per jurisdiction, gives input on the implementation of the OECD BEPS actions of relevance as well as on the amendments to the EU PSD and the Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive and answers most of the commonly asked questions regarding the tax treatment of relevant transactions in the respective countries.

Zepos & Yannopoulos, the exclusive Greek member of Taxand, contributed the Chapter for Greece (p.140); Global Guide to M&A Tax full version can be accessed online here.

Zepos & Yannopoulos authors: Marina Allamani and Katerina Vagia.