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Our firm’s practice groups and team members have been recognised once more in the most recent IFLR1000 rankings, announced today. Banking & Finance has received a Tier 1 ranking and M&A, Capital Markets and Project Development respectively are ranked in Tier 2.
The people of Zepos & Yannopoulos are recognised for their innovative legal thinking and effective solutions provided to clients. Stefanos Charaktiniotis, head of M&A, was distinguished as Highly Regarded lawyer. Athina Skolarikou, head of Corporate & Commercial, Anastasia Makri, head of Energy, and Dimitra Rachouti, partner, were recognised as Notable Practitioners. Sofia Chatzigiannidou, head of Public Procurement & Concessions, and Paris Tzoumas, head of Finance, were named Rising Star Partners. Finally Antonis Giannakodimos, partner, Nasia Gkouma, partner, and Stathis Orfanoudakis, partner, were acknowledged as Rising Star lawyers.
We are honored and grateful to our clients and peers for their continued trust and collaboration.