Increase of statutory minimum wage and extension of notification deadline for salary changes

Contact Person

Rania Papakonstantinou

Rania Papakonstantinou




By Decision 4241/127/30-01-2019 of the Minister of Labour, published in the Government Gazette on 30 January 2019, the statutory minimum wage was increased, effective 1 February 2019, as follows:

  • monthly wage increased from Euro 586.08 to Euro 650;
  • daily wage increased from Euro 26.18 to Euro 29.04.

The lowest wage previously established for employees below 25 years of age (monthly wage Euro 510.95 and daily wage Euro 22.83) was abolished and as of 1 February 2019 the new statutory minimum wage applies to all employees regardless of age.

Relevant changes are summarised below:


Until 31 January 2019

As from 1 February 2019

Below 25

Above 25

Regardless of age

Monthly wage

Euro 510.95

Euro 586.08

Euro 650

Daily wage

Euro 22.83

Euro 26.18

Euro 29.04


Extension of deadline for the notification of salary changes to Ergani

Under current legislation, employers are obliged to notify all salary changes within 15 days from the change, through submission of the E4 form to the ERGANI electronic platform.

As regards changes arising from the increase of the minimum wage, the above 15-day deadline was extended to 28 February 2019 (instead of 16 February 2019) by decision of the Minister of Labour, dated 31 January 2019.