The National Drug Organisation issues New Circular on sponsorship of scientific events and congresses

The National Drug Organisation (EOF) has published a new circular amending certain requirements and rules for the organisation and sponsoring of scientific events and congresses. The New Circular no. 106329/15.12.2014 does not present considerable differences from the previous one; nonetheless, it contains changes, which indicate a certain trend of the authority to a somewhat less strict approach on certain issues. The major changes introduced by the new circular are the following:

  • Limitations on amounts of sponsorship paid by pharmaceutical and medical devices companies for the organisation of scientific events and congresses taking place in Greece have been abolished.
  • Type A events have been specifically defined so as to incorporate (a) national congresses defined as congresses carried out by the companies, which correspond to the UEMS (UNION EUROPÉENNE DES MÉDECINS SPÉCIALISTES) recognised branches of medicine and specialties or by scientific companies, which have been organising congresses for the last five (5) years prior to the publication of this circular; (b) post-educational congresses defined as congresses organised by scientific companies, university and Public Hospitals’ departments, which last more than two (2) days; (c) scientific one-day seminars defined as events organised by scientific companies, university and public hospitals’ departments, which last maximum one (1) day.
  • Participation of the HCP in Type A events is no longer subject to prior notification or authorisation by their employers; HCP of public hospitals are of course subject to art. 11 Law 2889/2001.
  • Sponsoring of travelling, accommodation and board expenses in events taking place in Greece cannot exceed the amount of Euro 250 per day (VAT excluded).
  • Sponsoring of travelling, accommodation and board expenses in events taking place abroad cannot exceed the amount of Euro 400 per day (VAT excluded).
  • In case of scientific events taking place abroad, 10% of the total number of HCP participants sponsored by pharmaceutical or medical devices companies should consist of medical interns.
  • Type D events are no more subject to location restrictions (i.e. Company’s premises), nor to limits as to the number of the events held per year.
  • Applications for the approval of Type A events must be submitted before EOF at least one month prior to the date of the event.
  • In contrast to the previous circular, there is no penalty or annual exclusion from participation for HCPs exceeding the limit of permitted participations.