New Greek Accounting Standards

This newsletter outlines some of the key regulations introduced by Law 4308/2014 “Greek Accounting Standards and Relevant Regulations”, published on 24 November 2014.


Bookkeeping obligations – subject undertakings

  • Bookkeeping obligations; the size of the entity matters

Accounting records & financial statements

  • Accounting records
  • Stock Inventory book
  • Illustrative financial statements - Notes to the accounts
  • Consolidated accounts

Fiscal documents (supporting documentation)

  • Fiscal documents; what’s new?
  • Time of issuance
  • Delivery documentation
  • Retail receipts - Electronic cash registers of Law 1809/1988

Measurement & recognition rules - IFRS principles

  • Measurement & recognition rules
  • Other IFRS-inspired principles
  • How we may help you with the challenges of transition to the new Accounting Standards