Recent amendments to the Electronic Registry of alcoholic beverage professionals

By virtue of Joint Ministerial Decision A.1011/25.1.2024 (Government Gazette B’617/26.01.2024) executed by the Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance, and the Governor of the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (in Greek “ΑΑΔΕ”) a number of issues related to the mandatory registration of data with the Electronic Registry of alcoholic beverage professionals – Electronic monitoring system of alcoholic beverages (hereinafter “LOTIFY”) were addressed and the respective obligation, registration and deadlines have been shaped as follows:

Who is obliged to register with LOTIFY?

  1. Those engaged in the production, importation, receipt from other EU Member States, or processing of ready-to-drink alcoholic beverages; and
  2. Those involved in the wholesale acquisition or disposition of ready-to-drink alcoholic beverages within Greece registered under Wholesale Activity Code 46 (in Greek “ΚΑΔ 46”).

What type of transactions need to be registered with LOTIFY?

Transactions related to ready-to-drink alcoholic beverages are obligatorily registered with LOTIFY. These transactions are registered as follows:

  1. as inbound movements, the production, processing, importation from a third country, and receipt from other EU Member States, with respect to which the registration requirement is applicable as of 30.1.2024;
  2. as outbound movements, the export, dispatch to another EU Member State, supply to ships and aircrafts, and wholesale sales to catering establishments, with respect to which the registration requirement is applicable as of 1.7.2024.

The aforementioned registrations shall have been completed within five (5) working days from the date of the respective movement.

What data will be registered to LOTIFY?

LOTIFY requires the input of various data, encompassing the following:

  1. the legally established name as well as the commercial name of the product;
  2. its quantity;
  3. indications with respect to the batch; and
  4. details with respect to the transaction (e.g., transacting parties, date and type of transaction, type of document issued for the transaction).

What is the deadline for registration?

By way of exception, for the calendar year 2023, the mandatory registration with LOTIFY should have been completed by 10 January 2024. Any remaining stocks of ready-to-drink alcoholic beverages as of 29 January 2024, are to be registered on LOTIFY by 15 April 2024.