
Full lifting of capital control restrictions in Greece...

The Greek Parliament approved the full lifting of capital control restrictions effective as of September 1 2019. ...

The rise of fiscal e-books| Paving the way for mandator...

Paving the way for mandatory maintenance of e-books as of 2020 On Thursday, 1 August 2019, the Greek Ministry of...

Tax Controversy Bulletin...

New Bank of Greece Governor’s Act requires legal entiti...

Τhe BoG Act, as published in the Government Gazette Issue on 21.6.2019, provides that legal entities of the non-fin...

Set up of Central UBO Registry...

Following enactment of Law 4607/2019 amending Law 4557/2018, the Ministry of Finance has issued a decision setting ...

Changes introduced by recent Law 4611/2019...

Greek Law 4611/2019, published in the Government Gazette on 17 May 2019, introduced various measures enhancing the ...

Cadastre preliminary posting...

Τhe preliminary posting of the cadastral database for the Municipality of Athens will take place from 22 April 2019...

Greece transposes the rules of the EU Anti-Tax Avoidanc...

On Friday, 5 April 2019, the Greek Ministry of Finance submitted a bill to the Greek Parliament transposing part of...

Amendments on public procurement legal framework...

Two years following the enactment of Law 4412/2016, a number of amendments have been introduced by Article 43 of La...

Declaration of property rights with the Greek Cadastre...

The Greek Ministry of Environment and Energy and the Greek Cadastre have recently initiated the process of cada...

Recent tax developments in Greece...

Greek shipping community enters into new voluntary contribution agreement On the 27th of February 2019 a new agr...

Payments to holding companies|CJEU provides guidance on...

Six cases on withholding tax exemptions on interest & dividend payments The Court of Justice of the European Uni...