
Recent tax developments in Greece...

Law 4438/2016, ratified on 23 November 2016, regulates a number of pending issues on the tax regime governing corpo...

Recent legal framework governing the newly introduced p...

  Current legal status Until recently no Greek legal framework existed providing for the appointment of profe...

Greece introduces new legal framework on the award and ...

On 8 August 2016 the Greek Parliament enacted a new law on the award and performance of concession contracts. The n...

Simplification of procedures before the Labour Inspecto...

Ministerial Decision 34331/Δ9.8920 of the Minister of Employment, published on 10 August 2016, launched a new elect...

  • 6 SEPTEMBER 2016

Recent Developments in the Electricity Sector in Greece...

Introduction and general overview of recent developments The electricity market in Greece is undergoing, or brac...

Recent Changes in Greek Tax Legislation...

The present tax newsletter highlights some of the changes introduced by virtue of (a) the new investment incentive ...

  • 14 JULY 2016

Partial Privatisation of Greek Electricity Transmission...

On 12 July 2016, the Public Power Corporation S.A. (“PPC”) launched an International Public Tender for the acquisit...

Greek Supreme Court rules on spouses’ tax residence sta...

Greek tax authorities do not accept separate tax residence status for spouses. Under the current practice, a spouse...

Recent updates regarding convocation of Annual General ...

Recent Law 4403/2016 implemented in Greece Directive 2014/95/EU regarding the disclosure of non-financial and diver...

Recent Legislative Developments in Competition Law & Ca...

The current newsletter covers legislative developments in the field of Competition Law that may be of significance ...

  • 8 JUNE 2016

Privatisations Update and Establisment of new Super-Fun...

After many months of opposition and political turmoil, the Greek Government appears to have put privatisations back...

Greek NPLs law: extreme makeover...

On 22 May 2016, the Greek parliament voted an extensive reform on the framework for the sale and servicing of non-p...