
Greek NPLs law: implementation unfolds...

On 16 December 2015, Greece introduced a legal framework for the outsourcing of the management and the sale of non-...

Recent tax developments in direct and indirect taxation...

Mandatory Automatic Exchange of Information for year 2016: Bill submitted to Parliament for ratification On 15 M...

Greek NPLs law: first step towards a secondary market...

As part of Greece’s Third Economic Adjustment Programme[1], on 16 December 2015 the Greek government introduced a f...

Release of Ministerial circular setting out the procedu...

  Procedure for transactions impacted by the reduction of real estate statutory values Following the reducti...

EU-US Privacy Shield to replace Safe Harbour for overse...

Following the recent invalidation of the Safe Harbour scheme by the CJEU as a legitimate ground for the transfer of...

Real estate statutory values: Ministerial decision redu...

    Changes introduced to real estate statutory values Circular POL. 1009/2016 has been issued by the Minist...

Recent developments in Greek tax legislation & case law...

    Direct Taxes Preferential/non-cooperative tax jurisdictions; revised guidelines by the Greek MoF Th...

Recent Changes in Restructuring and Insolvency Law...

Greece has lately reformed its national restructuring and insolvency law to improve the existing statutory legal fr...

  • 1 DECEMBER 2015

GAIAOSE launched an international tender for the conces...

GAIAOSE S.A. has recently announced the launch of an international tender procedure for the development of the Thri...

Recent Changes in Greek Tax Legislation Introduced by L...

On 17 October 2015, the Greek Parliament ratified Law 4337/2015 , in implementation of some of the terms agreed bet...

CJEU invalidates European Commission’s decision on Safe...

The Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) issued yesterday its long-expected Judgment in Schrems vs Data ...

  • 29 SEPTEMBER 2015

The Liberalisation of the Natural Gas Distribution Sect...

  A. Introduction On 14th August 2015 the Government passed a new law introducing radical changes in many asp...